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Canon Mac Youth

Soccer Association

Canon Mac Youth Soccer Association

Coaches Code of Conduct Agreement

CMYSA Coaches Code of Conduct Agreement

With regard to my players:
I believe that my role as a coach is to contribute to the overall success, physical, and athletic growth of the player through participation in soccer.

  • I will endeavor to be a good instructor and a positive role model for my players.
  • I believe that the score of a game comes second to the safety and welfare of all my players.
  • I will endeavor to put winning in its proper perspective.
  • I am responsible for understanding and competing within the letter and the spirit of CMYSA.
  • I will teach my players to understand and play within the letter and spirit of CMYSA as well.
  • I understand that I am responsible for the conduct of my players and the parents/spectators on my side of the field.
  • I understand the verbal or physical abuse will not be tolerated.
  • If a player’s conduct is not in the spirit of recreational soccer I will have the player leave the game for a cooling off period.  If the cooling off period does not resolve the behavior, I will remove them from the remainder of the game.

With regard to opposing teams:
I believe that the way my team conducts itself can also have an influence, for better or worse, on those we compete against.

  • I acknowledge opposing teams are our competitor and not our enemy.
  • I will endeavor to make my team a positive role model.
  • I will not coach, nor allow my players to play, with intent to cause injury to opposing players.
  • Neither I nor my players and spectators will display hostile behavior towards opposing players.
  • I will emphasize winning without boasting and losing without bitterness.
  • I will not engage in altercations with opposing coaching staff or spectators.
  • I will introduce myself before the game and shake hands after the game and have my players do the same.

With regard to Referees:
I believe that Referees, just as coaches and players, are attempting to do their best.

  • I will instill in my players and spectators a respect for that fact.
  • I understand that my attitude can influence my players and spectators.
  • I will display a controlled and undemonstrative attitude toward Referees at all times.
  • Neither I nor my players and spectators will address a Referee before, during or after the game in a demeaning fashion.
  • I have read and understand the CMYSA Zero tolerance policy and will abide by its rules.
  • I understand the verbal or physical abuse will not be tolerated.

With regard to CMYSA as an organization:

  • I understand that, like myself, the members of the CMYSA Board are all parent volunteers and do their best to act in the interest of all of the children and parents in the league.
  • If I have a complaint, criticism or suggestion regarding CMYSA, I will personally address it with a member of the CMYSA Board or at a CMYSA Board meeting.

I _______________________________________   agree to uphold the above and attached CMYSA Coaches Code of Conduct. I understand that if I violate or fail to adhere to the behaviors outlined in the documents, I may be subject to suspension or removal as a coach within the CMYSA organization, in accordance with the procedure detailed in the Coaches Code of Conduct document.


Canon Mac Youth Soccer Association

Email: [email protected]
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